orgami's Diaryland Diary


odds of ends

kriss mus gift
I know what lori got me
for christmas

only by accident did i find
out though i didnt peek

i have all my batteries
old and new in the bottom
open space of the night
stand and all my cds laying
around with my flashlight
i use to change cds at
night with in there also
and the cat was playing with
the batteries and had them
knocked on the carpet and
all mixed up so i was shinning
the light under the night
stand to see if any went in
there and then under the bed
and there was a little frying
pan brand new under there
there is very little space
under the old frame the
wheels lost in a move someplace
so the frying pan barely fit
green bottom black handle
SO i know that the big gift
under the tree is the LARGE
frying pan that came with
the two pan set

hah hah

I keep bitching about this
heavy old ancient thing all
battered with dents in the
cooking area its gross and
everything sticks to the
bottom no matter what i
tried everytime i use it
i have to use one of those
little brass or copper pads
to scrub and soak it
its not cast iron those
things are great if you know
how to use them

i am so hoping its a nice
brand new non stick frying
pan i will be so happy
cooking us supper from now
on then

yah I get excited over a fry
pan I know I know its not
a lever action thirty-thirty
carbine or a set of tools
or maybe some Bruce Lee dvds
just in my time i have shot
a lot of different kinds of
guns off and worked on and
fixed or help fix everything
from car engines to vacum
cleaner motors
i dont think i welded
no never did
knew a lot of welders though
they are interesting people

oh the fry pan
yes I am excited
we open the gifts tommorrow
i got Lori an old System of a Down
cd from like way back in 2001
it was in Nerdy old Zellers
atop of Algonquin and some
chocolates if you can imagine
might as well just feed us
lard and get the heart attack
over with

I am curious to hear what
System of a Down sounds like
from seven years ago six
years ago i mean

i was trying to find her
slipknot but it would have
been too offensive for Zellers
shelves Hey i bet i can get
a Mr Rogers cardigan sweater
from there like the green one
Curt Cobain liked to wear also

picking on ol Zellers
where the slowest price is the law
its a good store
hah hah

crap just thought to read the
ingreed ients in this can of
Diet Pepsi and i'll be goddamned
if it DOES have caffienne in it
we used to get independent pop
in a twenty four pack but they
went and now only sell it in an
eighteen pack sneaky devils eh
and that stuff was sugar free
and caffienne free so ill be
buzzed out on this stuff now

Lori will get me up early and
i'll roll my yogi bear body
out of bed out of hibernation
away from those hideous crazy

watching the water bend over
the drop
unfurling like silk
the surface twisting and
the sky rippling like
a jolly laugh
the crash upon the rocks
far beneath my view
vibrates and hums
like a mighty dynamo


11:21 p.m. - 2006-12-28


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