orgami's Diaryland Diary


walk and bus

ran the errands
got off 5N Pinewood at
the terminal and walked
down to the phone place
no sooner had i gone a
hundred feet then the
Lakeshore bus went past
damn it was the bus i
thought i would be
waiting for for half
an hour

oh well

walked the block distance
and made my payment and
ordered light high speed

went across the street to
my financial institution
and got a few checks to
help pay another bill
out there and walked
back along the main
NOT thinking that all i
had to do at that point
was to wait along the
street closest to the rail
yard at a bus stop and
5N Pinewood would come
along and i would not
miss the bus
turned the corner at the
Subway store and there
goes my bus

so i ended up buying a
large coffee now that i
didnt have to hurry
there were the usual
few people waiting for
the bus at the terminal

i was just walking slowly
around on the island and
i noticed how cold the wind
was coming in off the lake
its very cold standing out
there looked over to the
new condominiums they are
building and a couple of
carpenters were up there
in thier winter wear hammering
nails into boards on the roof

when i was walking to pay
my bills i walked past the
New terminal and they have the
building all swathed in blue
tarps can hardly wait for
them to open that place
bathrooms waiting room and

someone here gave me their
watch today its Cherokee
Wal Mart brand name its heavy
and has the date on the face
water resistant and quartz
movement He said it was
giving him blisters must
be something in the metal
some people are sensitive
it feels good to have that
heaviness on my arm
i like the look of it too
that was sweet!!

But back to waiting at the
it was cold and the wind was
strong i watched the other
buses coming in to the terminal
and was laughing at all the dents
and crash marks on them
they have little OK stickers
where the bottom panel of one
bus is all caved in
and on the back of another
bus i can see where they backed
into something at tail light
height again another little OK
sticker The front vent on
another bus still had duct tape
holding the drivers summer air
vent closed

they have the new greyhounds and
the old Classics still running
and there are two large rises
and escarpments that they have
to pound up and down every day

after watching them coming
and going my bus finally came
and i got back here late
of course
but am now working on my
latest project
its a craft peice for the
shop a small peice of wood
with a tent and a fire and
lantern with the caption

SO thats what I am working
Lori is still working on
those signs behind me

she read these entries
and was laughing at me for
thinking I was getting a
big fry pan for christmas
she said she will buy me
one when one comes on sale

soon i hope

heh heh

finished the flower lid
mailbox sent it out front
i will get thirty dollars
for that job Not bad
for like two days work

now I will spend three
days painting all these
craft signs

never a dull moment around

THey were also taking the
big Merry Christmas sign
off part of the city hall
gone for another twelve

and I am out of time
for this break time


2:38 p.m. - 2007-01-03


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