orgami's Diaryland Diary


carnival of souls bus ride

after we left the shop
we boarded Birchaven
and rode to the terminal
waited for a moment or
two and caught Hornel
up the escarpment on
Algonquin We got
off our stop and crossed
highway #11 into the big
Sobeys Zellers parking
lot I returned a pair
of pants and a shirt
that Lori had purchased
for herself before
Christmas that were way
too big for her

no problem got the money
and looked around and
bought another pair of
pants and shirt for her
then we went and bought
a meal together at the
Zellers restuarant

while we were looking i
noticed the Cherokee line
of clothes and stuff so
my free watch is from
a Zellers store not a
Wal Mart as i had previously

we ordered from the menu
and ate our dinner and
paid left a tip and walked
to the bus stop glass
cubicle to wait for a bus

was not too long and it
came by we got on and rode
to the terminal where we
discovered that we were
going to have to wait for
half an hour in the cold
for the next bus to come
So we went to the Subway
just up from the terminal
on main and had a small
coffee and warmed up

we talked to ourselves the
whole time
the bus came and people
got on and it was bedlam
some young woman with two
young boys and a young girl
and only the young girl
was behaving the mother
was yelling at the boys
from the front of the bus
and the kids were on the
back a real roughneck
woman got on that knew
the bus driver by first
name basis and a couple
of other people riding
the front of the bus
and she went after another
mother who had her little
daughter in her lap
it was something the mother
had said and the roughneck
was saying things like
"your the role model.. you
shouldnt talk like that.."
blah blah blah

it was crazy and odd as it
was quite a few people
rode the whole route around
the bus was only four stops
from the terminal when we
got off we were very glad
to get off and come into our
nice warm apartment with
our Tweet to greet us after
a long day apart

we watched CSI of course and
i tried to call and cancel
my service provider but there
was just this stupid answering
service and music fifteen
minutes i waited and then
gave up


but i paid my soon to be service
provider and informed them i
wanted high speed light internet

so somewhere soon i will be
offline at home here and only
will have the access to writing
at work

when Lori was sleeping i flipped
around and caught a show called
Canadian Inventions and there
were a lot of inventions by
Canadians but i was too excited
to see Margaret Atwood the Canadian
author talking about some of them

I just love Margaret Atwood
anyway that made my day final

i finally got around to throwing
out the turkey in the fridge
myself i would have eaten it
but i was advised that it may
be in my better interests to
dispose of the last Friday
celebratory bird

good bye Mr turkey until next

damn its twelve oclock
the moon is wispy and white
like a blurred round face
and its damp out
sure glad i live inside

well gotta get and go watch
some television and then
off to dreamland


11:44 p.m. - 2007-01-03


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