orgami's Diaryland Diary


Ode to my Lori

sitting here hitting Random Entry
and reading stuff i wrote
three years ago

i like those poems and diaries
better then my latest ones
but of coures in three years
i have changed a lot

today i have more control with
medication over my Bi-polar disorder
and with my drinking pretty much
gone now i am not crashing into
exacerbated depressions and paranoia
that would inevitably follow

i am working now
contributing to society
helping people
working with others
in a clinic

a laboratory!

i wear my lab coat every day

and today my boss had a long
talk with me and he showed me
some new things to do and asked
about hours and wages etc etc


i am getting more and more closer
to being hired

that is a sobering thought

ten years of my life away from
the work force

can i do it??
get up every day
and maybe do more then just the
four hours i am doing now?

keep smiling
keep nodding
keep asking questions

this is not construction
this is not the woodstove

this is skilled trades level


so much help

Lori is amazing
she just guided me
and knew i could do it
she had faith in me
and when i doubted
and fought and argued
and bitched she would
defend herself but in
the end keep at me

i have never loved anyone
more then my daughter as i
do Lori

like when we grocery shopped
and we came in under our
budget of two eighty for
groceries for a month

"You did good!" i said to
her as i pushed one cart
and she pushed the other
to the doors to await our cab


10:59 p.m. - 2007-03-30


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