orgami's Diaryland Diary



just one of things a man
needs is a flashlight
its for looking under
or down things like a drain

behind dressers
under beds
into eyes when a lash
gets in there

dont really need it outside
there is plenty of streelights

maybe when the power goes out

or just what i use it for
changing cds in the night
when i am in bed waiting
to fall asleep

for the past half a year
i have been changing my cds
a lot Well every other night
anyway and the light has just
gotten weaker and weaker
until its so bad i have to
wait for a minute or two
just for my eyes to adjust
to the small amount of light
and then its guesswork because
my cds are barely marked

Like #2 is one cd
Oddities is another
Kitty and Hank

you get the picture

anyway should something
happen like a power failure
and i need to actually get
around i have my light

on the rez that one time
all i had was candles and
a coal oil lantern
one of those red lanterns
like in the westerns

i wish i had of had a fancy
table top one with just the
glass and the big bowl for
the oil Hurricane lantern
thats what it was!!

someone even suggested i try
a naptha lamp with a special
wick it would throw five
times the light as one of those
old time hurrican lamps could

but they were priced too high
for us at the General Store

anyway i have my flashlight
and i feel safer now
and i have Teddy too

10:13 p.m. - 2007-04-10


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