orgami's Diaryland Diary


dreams and drama

ten bells almost

had dinner
went shopping
before dinner
that was

bought things
food items
got my dental floss
and new batteries
for my yard sale
flashlight so i can
go about my own apartment
here looking for things
getting some water
maybe watching television
later on

anyway i have to be at
work tommorrow for eight
thirty This will be my
new time to start work
which is going to happen

I will get to punch my card
into the time clock and then
punch out when i am through
with my work in the clinic

boss had a good talk with me
today in his office
got lots done too today

found out that some of the
present employees are only
seven months into their time
working there and another is
just a few months for maternity
leave for someone

i am enjoying the work i do
and tommorrow instead of going
to the shop later i am to come
home here and start to work
on my next painting which is
a loon with its baby on a pond
or a collage of three deer
in a forest

i can paint either one
and do a good job
this i know from the faery
painting and the tiger painting

i am so excited

also tommorrow we are having
freinds over for dinner
and at seven thirty a freind
is bringing over their family
pet a cat male nuetered
one of his daughters became
allergic to cats so they are
all going two females also
but the male is supposed to be
the freindliest to cat and man
woman etc

so we will have a new kitty to
add to our family here

got a headache
took some painpills
its either from bending over
and working on stuff or not
enough caffeinne or going
back on my meds etc

I am so happy to report though
that i went and cleaned the
entire house Monday

poured hot hot water in a
pail and some PineSol cleaner
and a clean rag and just went
over everything every shelf
every surface except the walls
but picture frames tops of heaters
doors trim kitchen bathroom
computer desk room chair shelves
printer tower monitor etc
all cleaned

vacumed everyhing also

all this took me all day
there are tons of knick knacks
and photos to move and stuff
on the end tables that had to
be set down in order to clean
the surfaces and dust them
and then wipe them with a
paper towel and pledge them
with furniture wax

cleaned the microwave tonight
underneath and inside

i feel great having all this
done knowing that my aparment
Lori and Is apartment is
clean now Tweets litter got
sifted thouroughly fresh water
and food in her bowls

we bought some new microwaveable
dishs because the other bowls
were not microwaveable and had
rings melted around their middles
from hot soups and sauces
it was not a decent thing to
serve guests in

nice greenish bowls
easy to clean
easy to break if i drop them
and they look good

Went online last night and looked
up ghosts towns of ontario and
found my old home town i lived
in when growing up
its called Scotia Junction or
Scotia ontario or just plain
Scotia there are just homes
there today but when i was a
kid there was a store post office
gas station where we got our mail
and lots of houses that have
since burned down Four anyway
have been burned down pretty
high numbers for a little left
over settlement But they have
like built ten new ones in the
last twenty years also so it
evens up

but there used to be a station
there until the late fifties
and a railroad line that ran
way into Algonquin Park in the
fifties also

in its day Scotia was a rail
crossing for two different
railroads east to west and
north to south

nothing except the two sidings
were there when we were kids
and a few old homes
foundations of stuff
but the CNR has since cleaned
all those foundations up
so everything is basically
gone except the rail beds

i still dream about the place
though i am a grown man
in all my dreams but the places
are like when i was a kid
weird eh??

well just sitting here writing
away Lori watching the tube
me im happy
we get our pay this Friday

well must go now


9:42 p.m. - 2007-04-10


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