orgami's Diaryland Diary


infinite space

Borat was hilarious
laughed so hard all
the way through the thing

Mr Cohen is so fast
thinking and funny
and the people in the
movie/documentary are
so surreal

ha ha

there was this gas station
when i was a kid
that had a Bear in a small
cage about fifteen feet
by fifteen feet

PETE the bear was its name
and there was this ice cream
stand right next to the gas
station This place existed
in Burks Falls Ontario Canada
i think it was a GULF station

anyway of course people stopped
to see the bear and buy ice cream
and feed Pete and get gas supplies
etc But poor old Pete lived to
a ripe old age and when he died
they dug up the concrete floor
of his cage and buried Pete right
there where he lived his tortured
existance of that small cell

if you go through that town there
is a wooden silhouette of him
with his little story its right
at the start of the old bridge
crossing the Magnetewan River
going north on the right hand
side the building that was the
garage is still there and so
was that sign the last i saw


12:18 a.m. - 2007-04-26


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