orgami's Diaryland Diary


down the square hole

it was winter and this well
with this little concrete lid
was right beside the house

the guy i worked for was a lunatic
an old man going insane and
dissasembling his house

but he got his water from a bucket
from a rope the well was not deep
maybe three tiles from the top
to the water

anyway my freinds came by to see
me working for the insane old man
and i was getting water and the rope
came off the bucket and luckily the
bucket was floating

so one of my freinds got this rake
and was trying to reach down into
the well through this little
opening well it was a bit large
because he decided that he could
stick his body down the hole to his
waist and reach down and grab the

all was going well until he got
the bucket and then hollered for us
to grab his legs and help him up
after he noticed he was having
some difficulty well it was
winter as i say and this freind
of mine was so focused on the
bucket that he failed to take off
his rather thick and bulky winter
jacket Now this jacket went down
the small hole easy enough but
was now bunching up around his
upside down body down the well
in this little hole

i guess he got a little panicky
and he was really struggling to
get out because as he tried to
wiggle his way back out he kept
slipping farther down this hole

well i got a leg and my other freind
got a leg and i started to laugh
this whole insane thing about getting
stuck down the well like this
and then working all day for the
insane man was like par for the course
it was like just natural that this
cause of events would be so uncannily

well he started hollering pretty
good which sounded even more
funnier and he got really panicky
when he started to have one of his
famous nosebleeds from being upside
down for so long i guess

then he was moving around kicking
his legs which made it rather
hard to get a hold of him
on the snowy icy lid

and laughing just caught up with
me and then my other freind
started to laugh and we were
hanging on and he was slipping
and we knew that if he fell in
he would just drown before we
could get the lid moved off
and a rope tied around his leg
and possibly even if both of
us could move his bulk up out
of that water

we were laughing so hard tears
were streaming down our faces
and we were almost sick
and all the while my other
freind was screaming now
and kicking about something

well we managed to stop laughing
after a few long minutes
and we had to get him to stop
moving around while we tried to
stuff his jacket around his
middle to get him to fit up
out of that damned hole he got

well we finally got him out
and he came up with this bloody
face and arms and that damned
bucket in his hand

but god i hadnt laughed so
hard in a long long time

it could have been a tradgedy


12:45 a.m. - 2007-06-19


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