orgami's Diaryland Diary


burned out yet again

seven thirty at night and i am wiped

was busy busy busy at work


biked home and then got into

cleaning the house

washed floors


two loads of laundry

folded some put away

repotted plant that cat

eats now

that will be gone in not too long

washed dishes

painted cupboard handles white

cooked that dinner

ate that dinner

put dishes in sink

made some coffee

drank that

feel burnt out now

maybe it would be a kind

of day to get to bed early

for a change


do i take my own advice?



anyway house is cleand up

vacum put away

my work room at work is cleaned

up also

tommorrow is Wednesday

we do AFO's tommorrow which

is cast modifications

putting the putty plaster to

the leg casts

kind of like autobody only

heavy three D

okay its more of sculpturing

anyway thats on for tommorrow

i have my alarm set

it woke me up just fine today

Lori has been sleeping in


the fresh air and all

the wonderful fun at camp

here it is seven thirty

and no sign of her yet

she might show up yet

if not i'll hear about

adventure tommorrow sometime

i did get a lot of things done

without having to run to the

store or cook dinner or rub

her feet

it really freed me up to concentrate

on doing the chores

Somewhere my white button from

my lab coat has gone from the top

of the fridge I was going to

sew that on tonight But if its gone

thats okay because i just wear my

coat without it

tired am going to go for tonight

not much to say anyway

looked around at some other

sites for blogging

i really like Diaryland

but these other sites dont look

as lame as this other one i am

registered too already

too tired after work to feel

like creating stuff


7:26 p.m. - 2007-06-20


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