orgami's Diaryland Diary


here and there this and that

what is today??
thursday oh yah

soo cool out today
not like a few days past
so hot
so very hot indeed

went out on my bike
pedal began to squeak
again nut is stripped
i saw a bike in a dumpster
not far away

will see if its still there
tommorrow on way to work
will leave early and try to
retrieve a nut from the bike
my nut is no good

oh damn nut

nothing like having bad nuts

heh heh

getting used to the bike now
what a tool for the old and foolish
using the fifth gear
i need to get the cable and
get the top fifteen gears working

maybe a front light and a rear
light also if i decide to bike
at night Ha not!!

oh well

today bought three hundred and
sixty three dollars of stuff from
the grocery store

like what the hell

we usually only get three hundred
and ten or twenty

and at the dollars store we got
fifty dollars of stuff

again what the hell??

i get paid on the Friday next
but its not all that much

I hope it covers what we need
to cover

crazy F**king days

bought some switch plates
that were busted on a couple
of light switchs here

the landlord would have replaced
them but i like doing the odd
thing myself now and again

we need light glass covers here
and there too

small details

weather here is good

its nice

work tommorrow
come home and cut grass


so tired now
and yet im still awake

ha ha

damned me eh?

fat old happy camper

oh well must get going now

until then


9:52 p.m. - 2007-06-28


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