orgami's Diaryland Diary


hold please...

put away the laundry
went to the store
Pinehill to pick up
some Poutine for Lori

the summer girls were
working there and having
a fun time

i just sat waiting
watching people come
and go at the front door

and looking at the wares

Funny thing Chaos but Lori
said nothing beats Little
House on the Prarie either

I said the Roloffs were
better then the Waltons
Matt is such a go getter
and his wife follows along
with his schemes and dreams

Yes and we are here on the
third floor Elevators only
are required by law for
people with fourth floor
apartment buildings

guess they figure people
would be severely hurt if
a fire came along and people
hopped out the fourth floor

Here tonight i painted some
kind of native type painting
two birds which i will call
"Lovers" when i get it all
complete there are many
errors at this stage
and paint smudges
but all can and will be

and i have to work tommorrow
on that Deer painting

washed all the dishes
scrubbed the sinks shiny
Lysoled the kitchen with
four in one cleaner and
swept the floor

just resting here
writing and listening to
the sound of beautiful
calming soothing rain
on the trees and yard

no wind just softly
falling and dripping

its so nice

we have had that horrible
air conditioner off now
for days its been that
cool I am beginning to
hate that rumbling thing
i couldnt take it apart
to clean it and i can see
the mould way in there
just a light sprinkling

well yah what air conditioner
doesnt have mould

turned down my fridge too
talking about machines
and things are back to normal


not for the cucumber or
tomato My oranges survived

I want to get a tatoo soon
not just some letters
it costs so much money though
Lori first though probably
shes in line next

i need a new earring too
my old one lost the little

that rain is so nice to
listen too

takes the worries away

missed checking out Chat
on D-Land its always the
same people too

like i havent been on in
over a year or more
and i can get on with this
new computer and like wow
same five people as two
years ago and they knew
me right away from when
i was on there chatting
with them too


these are the ones i
remember most

i love the quick wit
of these people

but i was busy tonight
i could check it now

Hold on a sec


12:22 a.m. - 2007-07-04


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