orgami's Diaryland Diary


mouth full of nettles

sipping diet cola
with caffeinne
listening to

DOORS Riders of the Storm

just need a candle and my
inscence going

will save that though

what do i want to say

that life is a challenge
every small physical
turn and mental exertion
uses up energy

that burning energy creates
power repells and attracts

all the masks

Joseph Cambell
DeBono Water Logic
alternate thinking


Joseph Conrad
Phillip K Dick

electricty grounding out
causes circles
a downed power line
is sending out ripples
as it flows from the source

step in large steps away
and energy will flow through
your legs

a lot of energy

enough to burn and kill

shuffle your feet and you
transgress the lines

you are moving slowly
deftly from circle to circle
from ripple to ripple

there is no jump needed
a flow from one level of
energy to another

Hostage negotiator needs to
know only this
that he or she may not come
out of an incident alive

to put ones own self
into an equation
for the selves of others

where do we learn pride

i read a lot of books
once Well read
someone once said

a trained individual
in a placement of power


"we dont usually take
people through this part
of the building.."

a privelige

portion of portions

shade is the addition
of black

tint is the absorption of
white or lesser tones
of deepness

okay i take a breath and
wonder what it is that im

im so tired im not making
any sense at all

disregard this please
its just borrowed text
from a childs game
and influences that i
pride myself in knowing
over the years

(especially you Lori)

okay here is Siouxsie
she has the most haunted
voice next to Reznors i

when i wanted to blow my
head off i listened to her

all these dreams
they are just shaving off
the scab of all true feeling

let the air fall on the stale
wealth of ego
spill some tears sometimes

does it mean so much to
be so open

weakness was a disgrace
and still is for me

so inflexible in the most
vunreable of spots in
human emotion

cant spell either tonight

forget it im just full
of s**t

i wont delete this though
because i want to read it
again in the morning

see what it is
what kind of sounding

nuetral bouancy

nuetral f*****g bouancy!


12:54 a.m. - 2007-07-07


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