orgami's Diaryland Diary


January blog 2008

so its been seven days eh?
all those times i have been
seeped into Neopoet
sucking up comments
reading poems and browsing
the internet for U tube
and other tech sites
listening to music
from Trance to Red Sovine

finally got a phone in
here dont have to run
out there to answer
feel like a human

today found out i can
watch movies in high def
almost here at the computer
and when a movie sucks
it doesnt feel bad when
i pull the plug on it
rather then out there by
the television
strange that television
has that fan base with

this machine doesnt
its just wires crystals
and a connection to
every interested parties
out there

its cold out here
minus thirty
the walk will be brutal
tommorrow but i work
inside finally in my
old and sated life
maybe some snow shovelling
at the walks and doors
thats satisfying
taking care of others
doing a little bit of
empathy bit for the social

lived as a zombie recluse
rooming house pirate clan

chumming with some voracious
individuals Well some people
know what it is im getting

and in the end after all of
this im me still basically
freind few still have
problems and troubles
nightmares and interelationship
difficulties at times

whats it like living with
hard asses hard core
semi crazy persons
well first im one to begin
with drama queen
over the top
well was not so much now
my part time work is
socializing me for norm
function now

we have just the social
stress at work we dont
try to get angry with one
another thats a no no
its too great a job place
to lose it over some stupid
playground infraction

so we toe the line
but the work production is
sometimes very demanding
the stream is steady and
constant and as i say each
peice is custom work

anyway the people are great
inteligent experienced
family people schooled etc
so i love that

and i get my exercise walking
to work the thirty or more
minutes each way

presently we are broke again
i went to get groceries
and the strap broke on my
packsack full of heavy food
so i had to fix that and
carry it by one strap which
is wearing apart also
and i froze waiting for the
nice new buses to come
along on their hourly
then wait at the new warm
bus depot full of mexican
kids loud and boisterous
for an hour

walk home and froze my
fingers from the closest
bus stop to home
back is messed up
but fixed that with

now just sitting here
writing away like crazy

cant believe im so
addicted to the internet
its like a disease
and there is no real
person on the end
I mean not like talking
in person
you know eye contact
mannerisms speak
time effort
coffee bar walk
gym etc

anyway time for me to
go i want to listen
to U tube music

been nice talking to
writing to you all

ive been here from
2005 thats a long time
for me to be devoted
to something

ha ha

take care

10:55 p.m. - 2008-01-20


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