orgami's Diaryland Diary


Saturday sunshine

Lori has a splitting headache
she suffers from migraines
which i never had one
just bad hang overs
well severe ones

anyway we have to clean
this apartment
like vacum
dust ever freaking thing
wash dishs put them away
scrub kitchen floor
(small nice kitchen)
scrub bathroom floor
take out garbage
two and a half flight
of stairs short walk
to corner of house
put things away like
Well you get the idea
a normal weekend

im up early for a change
usually i love to sleep
in till twelve oclock
on my weekend off from
part time work but
here i am

a first in a long long

its cold out
i have already been to
the Macs Mart for coffee
from the vending machine
Great coffee by the way
and a couple of bottles
of Diet Pepsi for Lori

i made coffee here for
myself I love Dark Roast
and i make it very very
strong I have a tall
ceramic handle less cup
with Coffee written in
different dialects and
fonts around the top
dark band its my favourite
and i havent broken it

usually i break my mugs

and soon it will be spring
and we will be able to sit
outside on the back deck
I love that in the mornings
the birds the trees in
green the pine with the
wind the wind chimes
the heat of summer or
spring at least

a few more months to go

well have to go now and
drink my coffee

Hope you are feeling better
Mordorr!! i know life
at this age seems to last
forever now that i finally
got here to Forty Four years
of age life seems different
and i can see myself in my
fifties with silver in my
beard and hair and more lines
on my ragged face
but in my twenties and late
teens i thought i would
die before thirty

i guess suffering from
undiagnosed Bi Polar didnt help
and no medication either

well im here
glad of that
my daughter is happy
im still alive
and Lori and others

strange how that works
I am certian there are
a lot of people here
on Diaryland too that
care even though we
dont know what we look
like maybe we can
tell the tone through
these entries and

Must go now and
have my coffee and
then i have to clean
so Lori and the cats
and i can have a nice
sparkling place
to co habitate in

bye all

9:14 a.m. - 2008-01-26


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