orgami's Diaryland Diary


More bloggerations

cold out and over cast

blogging a lot
facebook especially
CBC had a show about
Facebook in the workplace
and funny satire about TOM
the creative force behind
MYSPACE my other poetry site
well total poetry site there
for me

Facebook I just post photos
of my freinds family etc
just like practically

was fooling around with the
camera today and actually
used my brain to figure out
how the options all work
and found the zoom lens
the digital zoom

holy s***t

that puppy can zoom in like
theres no tommorrow

and it can take a three minute
well go figure thats what most
people post on U Tube videos
the three minutes of fame
Maybe not the fifteen minutes
that ANDY WARHOL talked about
back in the day


so now I can take all my
photos with Zoomaboom
or three minutes of traffic
or a train rolling across
a road crossing or the lake
waves smashing against the
breakwalls down at the goverment

it boggles my mind

drinking potent black coffee
but exhausted and dead tired
backs f****d up today
its so bad
all that craziness and damage
over the years

they all warned me
my family genetic family said
what to watch out for
bad knees bad back bad heart
arthritis diabetes
practically everything

In the middle ages I would
be a walking miracle
im forty six years old

im so tired

should go lie down but if i do
it will mess up my sleep schedule
for this evening
gotta get to bed by nine thirty
tonight not the two thirty in the
morning i could do that when
i was nineteen but that was a hell
of a long long long way back there
for me now

wow nineteen was I ever that age??

Oh let me fire up VISAGE "fade to grey"
on U tube or Facebook where I have
it pasted back when i was stupid
and more of an idiot then i am now

ha ha

ah well
wheres my cane
wheres my store bought glasses
my Ben Gay and vibrating lazy
person chair

ha ha ha

must go now
but had a good chuckle here
thank you all


3:17 p.m. - 2008-04-29


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