orgami's Diaryland Diary


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simple morning
the sun is bright enough behind the
shades forever turned on this double
window Yet the light shines through
the plastic The plants are happy
taking in the exhaled air the heat
from the tower and person/s sitting
writing cats sleeping

articulate room with polite posters
and art desk unused of late

the trappings of new cluttered in the

enough printer ink for only black
and white the colour goes so fast
its so pretty with cardstock

can buy almost a two days worth
of groceries on what it costs
for one refill cartridge

yet like days of all villages
the stores and trips brought
back not just sustenance but
joys in their bright taking

the cost of all fond attractants

My coffee in cup is dark and joyous
they are going over in the living
room the schooling exam work

this is where I can sit out
here i read books after school
teaching myself what I liked then

touching on people through the
net now

music fills me with pause like
refreshment the creative sound
the emotive passion the crisp
clairity of production

I take my camera and snap pics
though not of late
my mind elsewhere
on the walks

its winter so beautiful and stark
soft and demure in warm mist days
like today the slush creeping in
through shoes instead of boots
what makes us feel but not discomfort
of the journey

the power of the sun
the bite of cool wind
the damp of rain kisses
on the barren places of flesh

the eyes taking in the stars
or unfolding even horizon
gleaming or stark jagged in its
line to meet the sky

havent been reading lately
finding it hard to shut down
my mind again

realizing its the work part time
the life I live with others
the meetings my trips out

i meet some and then the intensity
grows too much and then I must
drift and yet learning to just
sit and be with others is a task
a challenge

my freinds who came from prison
and who walked the line of life
keeping the in or holding the out
have taught me from their words
their expressive emotive statements
in passing a view a feeling from
their side

in short bursts like that I can read
so much facial expression roving
like a film body language like a lake
a river we are currents flowing
neath the surface of our skin

and I sit here with my coffee
slumped in the chair
while the life evolves on the
sunday here

I have slept instead of pushing the
dreams aside fearing sleep
wanting to dissolve all days events
refine them into truths

then race the shadows
all past oriented
addicts corner
image flow

when the world was not torn asunder
by the divorce
when my mom still cooked dinners
and my dad wasnt depressed too much

I can still hear the lid of the pot
boiling potatos and the school bus
gearing up down the hill
all those sounds remain with me
that moment in transition
when I walked through the door

strange relation in memory

i have to make peace
but so long its been the warrior
hit and miss movements

yoga and meditation they try
to teach I read a book about
a gaurd from BC who was great
he was able to resolve a riot
through careful negotiation
I looked up to him in reading
I know what I have and what I dont
but I can challenge myself to
find the calmness and eye that
he had it was these kind of
people that came to me on the
crossroad of life and we sat
and had our talks

in hitchiking or in coffee shop
late night talks

all this in reflective thought
on a beautiful day

12:17 p.m. - 2010-01-17


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