orgami's Diaryland Diary


everywhere and there

hot in the direct sun
the street is so busy
patent flow goes past
sound of tired
of engine and exhaust

aircraft hum lazily on
the cirrus criss crossing

I want a coffee and go
through the mall in my
fashion designer sunglasses
the computer geek kid left
when he merely looked
at the computer

I ended up taking it to a
freind who knows what
hes doing HOlding it
under my arm and cycling
through traffic and construction
to his shop like the Gepeto
of computerland

it was hot then
like today

through the mall and all the
pretties in their shorts
their shoes dressed for the
mall myself included
my fancy italian made
oxfords with the heel I clomp
along in my six two frame
taking strides I strut like
a cat cant help it
the predatory male side

my fancy white shirt with
designs and buttons total
vanity its slowly turning
grey and gross
but I cant part with it

Ive got may dollar store
coffee and whitener
and go past the t shirt kiosk
with the small petite blonde
her shoes are off and
shes got pale polish

its full of people
I read the magazines and the only
one I like is an obscure outdoor
american magazine
for real outdoors peoples
how to make a spoon from hardwood'
lanterns that rock' and ex
military thirty eights for packing

cant go into the book store
too sad no money and all the beautiful
hardcover glossy stuff

miss going into Sears so I can
spray POLO colonge all over me
and then go the AA meetings
so vain and so cheap

too much in a hurry

Walmart for pickles and
chocolate bars for home
the girls

stuck in line looking at
all the interesting looking
people shopping

I look at them
they look at me
the day goes on

back on the bike
its great traffic is
killer thick
one wobble and fall
under that and it
would be two cars
later before they
even slowed

I stick to the sidewalk
and then take sidestreets
stop for a coffee at Twiggs
and the ravens never dissapoint
me on the tower

such delicious coffee
such pretty counter girls
and everyone sitting on the
patio talking of life and
great for eavesdropping
and watching the sky

5:18 p.m. - 2010-07-22


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