orgami's Diaryland Diary


where is my tea

MAYBE its just nice to chill out
read entries Ive not done this in
a long while here and listen to
the fan Ive never been up in
a passenger prop plane but heard
it on video Utube and sim flights
i fly with YS2000 and joystick
I feel like Im on a flight someplace
some isolated place up north
where there are a million dogs
and mosquitoes from mesopotami
except no turbulence where you
wake up from a big assed jolt
and wonder if the wing just finally
broke off Three seconds of screaming
and enough time to text
"I'm you. the key to
the secret safety deposit box is
to be found.." and then the plane
explodes in a twisted pyre at
three hundred kilometers an hour

instead Im sitting here still thinking
of that tea
of all damned things
and writing

I have no life

2:32 p.m. - 2010-08-02


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