orgami's Diaryland Diary


for a moment

coffee hot in the cup
I like the weight of porcelain
or china the feel of it on
the lip but I like the warmth
of it in the cup The take out
cup Yesterday they really
must have like me because
they double cupped it and I didnt
ask Didnt expect this waste

I sat in the sun looking at the
huge buildings in this small city
core they are like canyon walls
great slabs that reflect light
create shadows at different hours

they are old and beautiful
and sentient and on top there
are sending units and recieving
units and a brand new flag that
I love to watch the wave pattern
of wind Reminds me of the old
battle flags of long long ago

reminds me of the wind on the
sleek hide of grasses on open
lands shinning like a school
of fish

Running up that hill

I sit and listen to the traffic
rumbling down the one way street
I just can catch a glimpse of
watch the many different wealthy
aircraft land at the urban airport
on the escarpment a mile from here
they take their flight path
in their needle sleekness
slipping in beneath the white
luxury of clouds like a relaxed

9:49 p.m. - 2010-08-06


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