orgami's Diaryland Diary


Good old tommorrows

writing you
and you writing me
listening to the cheap
headphones the cheap
black plastic chairs
sitting on that bank
of tables with everyone
else the busy desk behind
me the flourescent tubes
and the air exchanger blowing
its noisy breath
so lulling it puts me to

but not your letters
full of your day to day
on the other side of the
globe your store your
interests your family
and through all of it
the us we try to salvage

We love music love opera
and old movies clothing
and costumes this creative
fire between us

not many at all here understand
it or have use for it
Its like we speak a language
we thought long dead in the
world No one wants to talk
about opera here or after
my meetings I didnt go far
academicaly but I read books
and devoured video movies
varied and obscure mainstream
and major hits

How we love the same old music
Was listening to Chet Baker
and one of many bands to play
with him do "My Funny Valentine"
how I never tire of his horn

The people my age are all bitching
about this and that and the
young ones I dont understand
so much new in their world
so much Past in mine

so I drink coffee alone glad to
be away from the bitch fest and
gossip mongering that goes on
otherwise No one would understand
opera sidescan microwave radar
or the beauty of poetry writers
like Plath Sexton Milton even

who else still watchs TAXI DRIVER
or legend of 1900 for Ennio Maronnis
(sp) great musical scores
taxi driver for its intense story
lines its character dialogues

they just do not make movies like
this anymore

and where are todays great writers
capable of threading long logic
pulses in flow that is magical and
surreal as it was then

I write poetry and take pictures when
I can because I learned from a
reflex camera and light meter

I listened to music on turntables
I wrote poetry on silk ribbon
manual typewriters and blue airmail
paper they smelled of oil and metal
and plastic and rubber from the
drum the carriage of grease from
bearings this computer I bought
long ago has no smell
no character just clackety clack
dull and un ornamental

like electronic games
unlike pinball and pool or bowling

Im just happy to go alone to Twiggs
and have another coffee tommorrow
and be left alone So i can draw
my sketchs in peace
or read the business section of
the Globe and Mail for as long
as my coffee lasts

that i can just hop on my mountian
bike and head off where I want
to go

10:11 p.m. - 2010-08-07


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