orgami's Diaryland Diary


and if

Did the grocery the push cart
on the curb the hot sunshine
the busy street parking lot

my ice cream will melt
and Im eating blueberries
by the handful waiting for
a cab Ive never called
them on the weekend
and its taking forever
I feel the sun beating down
on me

Watching the people go past
watching me watching them

there are some beauties
there are so many with dour
faces whats wrong with
the world when so many have
so much that its a chore now
to be laden with wealth

ask the African mother who
has to walk three miles
there and three back with
water just for one day

the children who havent
eaten any berries for

there are some smiling but
it doesnt seem enough
for all that we have
what are we doing without
I smile and eat my blueberries
thinking about this after awhile

I drink my bottled water warm
but at least I have some

Yes I at least have a lot
including a blog site called
Diaryland where I can freely
write whats on my mind and
not be censored by goverment
thought rights and wrongs

that Im allowed a computer
and acess to the world via

What would freedom mean to
me if I didnt have any

what would berries mean to
me if I was hungry
or thirsty

what would Diaryland mean
to me if the goverment
said We are closing it down

I am a wealthy man after all

10:29 p.m. - 2010-08-07


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