orgami's Diaryland Diary



bought cologne on sale this summer
went with that shirt
to offset my continous wearing
of two other shirts
It was name brand and made me
smell expensive or so I thought

now its gone

now I just feel dirty and cheap
with my dollarama shampoo thats
bleaching my hair blonde and bringing
all the red highlights out

I used to come home smelling
of the refinery in the summer
from the blades and from crushing
the crucible pots

then smelt like cresote from the
chimney sweeping Then form oil
from pouring cement all day building
a big structure Then rock dust
rock drill oil and treatments in
the poles for utility company
so green it would soak through
our gloves and we would eat sandwichs
wondering if the stuff would kill
us slowly or quickly in time

Polydin I think the treatment was
called or something like it

cyanide isatopes but woodpeckers
bombed through that like there
was no tommorrow fast grow
tree farms with wide growth rings
made the poles easy prefab for
woodpecker families Intuition
and drive They didnt care what
they smelled like
and neither did we

But I miss my summer cologne
maybe one day I will get another
bottle and smell expensive

10:52 p.m. - 2010-08-09


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