orgami's Diaryland Diary


five scoops of coffee five cups of water

"I dont believe that anybody
feels the way I do
about you now............."

Oasis's WONDERWALL Covered by
Cat Power

feels like snowing
feels like raining
how are you feeling

I need a coffee
some painkillers
Im in denial about
the back

I believe if I can
ever ever lose another
twenty pounds I'll feel

regular meds thats okay

overcast and cool out
all the blinds are down
in our house
we live fifty sixty feet
from one old two story
and less from another old
two story

the sunlight is too hot
in summer and in winter
it helps the cold away
lots of light comes through
anyway though

but its hard to tell right

last of the expresso
pour it into the white
cone filter
open the cheap coffee
maker lid
the broken switch
boil the kettle
and stand and let
the water trickle
through and around
the grounds

for anyone impatient
this is an impossible

let like rain filling
a puddle up
the black gold rises
beyond the lower chrome
ring This I know
is enough for my tall
thick china mug
the one without a handle
and slender base
the one I knock over all
the time but still

Im dressed and ready
good shirt good pants
washed face brushed

I have to wear the good
dress jacket
Conventions in a school
arena across the city

I keep hearing Cat's
version going around in my
head the careful strumming
and chord work

I keep getting more want
for that coffee
smoother then regular coffee
from the small cans I purchase
and same price

I remember when I sat with
people to drink coffee
now I just sit alone

except the rare occasion
when I am with someone
but they drink lemonade
with strawberries in theirs

been biking more and more
these days
the mountian bike is more
then the ten speeds I loved
can handle the road conditions
better even though they are

Yet I cannot count anymore
how many times people have
thrown open doors as I approach
on my side How many cars had
to almost hit me from drivers
not taking second looks when
they are making left turns
how many errors I may have made
but I try to be careful

I never drove a motorcycle
having seen many people I knew
suffere severe trauma

and the mountian bike offers a
quiet kind of tranquil passage

television playing out in living
room people moving here
time to get my coffee now

I hope its not raining

9:12 p.m. - 2010-10-30


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