orgami's Diaryland Diary



bearings singing in the hubs
the chain clicking
the bell ringing lightly as I
jump curbs and hit potholes
my hair streaming
glasses keeping the grit
thrown up by the knobby
front tires
I love this mountian bike
keeping me fit
the fat pours away slowly
burning with the hearts furnace
and I feel more body confident
my legs not the weakling
sticks when I started my part
time job four years past
nor when I started biking again
three years ago big time

and now with a freind on the
real bona fida mountian bike
trails hardcore keeping up
with my female freind leading
on her bike

she flys like the wind
kicking up mud with her
powerful muscular and fit legs
climbing over the rocks with
her tires and veering around
the corners banked where the
tires have cut an arc
trees whipping past at break neck

supposed to be going today
even though its cool
even though its not sunny
nor warm but possibly raining

nothing else like it

I used to canoe a lot when
I was ten to twenty years younger
I remember

10:08 a.m. - 2011-05-14


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