orgami's Diaryland Diary



when you come here
to read me
when you are not too busy

wrapped in your world
so far away
your family
your life

what am I but a poor poet
a madman
filled with ideals and
drink half the time
locked in my world
of ghosts and fallen

the cascade of time
forever singing in my
ears in dreams
and the silent of nights
when I wavered between
losing all hope and faith

and then

I met you
tentative at first
lost and outnumbered
in that moment
fighting my battles
one day at a time
the poetry a solace
to that ache that
I could never replace
from the original

where all new love
would never quite fit
in the jagged hole
the lonliness
and rejection

but then the feirce
desire to keep going
the ego raging
the animal
and running the quiet

I cannot stop
but to keep
keep filling in
my hours to you
here and at N-Land

my mysterious obsession
with you
that fleeing image
the red hair
and blue eyes
and your odd
moments of creative

how the ordinary
at times is so dull
that your words enliven
me like no other

and when you call
and I can hear those
dusky words
that rich laugh
delightful and exciting

I forget that I have lived
as lost as I have
in my labrynth of thoughts

"The Ship Song"
how it is us
and the ghosts of us
faint and strong
between our worlds
where we exist

I cant believe how
we have evolved
and how much you mean
to me

afraid to admit the
need that weakness
when I see your messages
letting them fill me

so much my Mermaid
so very very much

Nine minutes left
you have your Nick Cave
and I have my Siouxsie
elaborate showpersons
talented and tinged
with their dark and light

you are like a drug to me
the frenzy of the impact
when I read your old
and fresh messages
and Poetry

it makes my hand shake

how you have walked me
through so much
have drawn me to your fire
from the dark shadows
a power that is evocative
and elusive

how could I have doubted

and how I laughed when
you mentioned it your
your feirceness I so

I have to go
I have only five minutes
left and I have so much
to do today

I dont recall loving anyone
like this or meeting someone
who has patiently
evolved this to what it is
between us

you are my Babe


Your Wolfie


1:11 p.m. - 2011-12-20


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