orgami's Diaryland Diary



there used to be so many tittie bars
around in the small Ontario red neck lands where I worked mixing cement and slinging blocks We would land in our home mad flat bed pick ups and dented four door sedans Dusty and dry drinking draft and watching them up on stage, or no stage just this little rail fence..that was the mid eighties
and not like now where they have great music to dance too and a whole sort of new ways to spin on the pole!! Our city's girl is on the HUSTLER front cover and she's a red head and I love red heads!! I dont go to the strip clubs anymore//I miss the music and the girls..there is nothing more erotic then seeing the female body all toned out and supple..makes me think of animals in the wild like she wolves slimmed down and muscular for hunting

I dont think it would be easy to do what they do on those poles at all

7:19 p.m. - 2012-01-25


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