orgami's Diaryland Diary



rain cool
fall jackets
and fresh blankets
the stale air of yesterday

throw on the exhaust fan
in the bathroom and slide
the window

keep thinking of what I need
to put in detail on the face
of the dog Im putting on the mailbox
for a family member north of us

I paint too and sketch
a good artist
been missing days at work
with my girls nerves bad
staying close missed out
on a work bonus but thats okay
im still getting a cheque
they are not giving me the
ideology speechs They know
Im intelligent enough and they
like my work when Im in there

back is bad little sleep and
consuming the pain killers
old 222's generic brand although
I love packaging and love the
brand names package its just
that it costs three times as
much as the generics Its the
codienne in them and caffienne
in them that i like and I
take like only six a day such
a low tolerance for them Lucky

been writing on Neoland
and listening to music
like flying or diving in water
the moodswing that I get from the
music prompt and videos

havent taken a damn pic lately
and then one day i will just carry
it with me and start snapping pics

love this slow summer starting
the green the different birds
the many plant species the way
the wind talks through the wires
and the leaves

gonna have to come back and write
more I just get away from here
and I miss it

a lot

8:58 p.m. - 2012-06-02


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