orgami's Diaryland Diary


summers falling

crickets out and grasshoppers
flitting on the hot pavement

sun dusk clouds dark and pink
lit Night waits

Washed the dog tonight by myself
Lori sleeping
and Ataya out with her boyfriend

Took the dog for a walk past Lucky
Thirteen to the car dealerhip stretch
to look at the new GMC trucks
and watch the patrons come and go
from the Gas Bar and Twiggs specialty
coffee shops

The odd cyclist and jogger ambling past
and the big trucks and traffic beyond
the treed lots and chain link for the
Trans Canada rumbling past all lights
and exhaust

Lillian happy to be out with her pink
rhinestone collar pulling on her out
stretched neck her hing legs biting
into the dirt as she pulls me ahead
her claws scrabbling on the pavement
and sidwalk concrete I want her
to do this Strength training and to
wear down those nails which are getting
long and Shar Peis are so hard to clip
as they are sensitive dogs and very
sucky about their paws Lilly lets
me handle hers though Shes realy good

Her nose is always in the air or on
the ground The net sites say these
are farm dogs tracking dogs loyal
dogs and protective and a bit aggressive

I can pick her up supporting her hind
legs with my right arm and her front
chest and front paws with my left

(I carry heavy plaster casts all day
and fifty pound bags of plaster often)

so this forty eighty pound dog is just
a little weight to hold up
I hug her and make a fuss and shes
not into it but lets me have my
cuddling before she wants down

A lot of these dogs are inbred and
their folds on their eyes bother them
lashs rub the eyes or the folds cover
their vision But she has good vision
clear of folds and her eyesight is
very good She watchs television
or the XBOX game with me and loves
air planes and birds

I comb her often and take her for
many walks and fuss over her a lot
and after work I go and sit on the
little hill (about ten feet of it)
from our complex apartment wall
to the sidewalk with her lead
just chilling

I had a dog once but couldnt look
after him A siberian Husky
and I had to give him away
He went to a good home and he got
away and was trying to eat the
chicken mans chickens so the chicken
man blew him in half with a double
barrel shotgun I was taking some
garbage to the then open dump site
and found just his back half

I dont blame the chicken man
We got our eggs from him
The Husky was just doing what
he had to do and the chicken man
was doing what he had to do

this is what life is
real life
not television
nor movies

But this dog Im really working
hard at it
to have a bond to look after

and I see from the internet that
these dogs only live ten years
give or take

right now shes eating the toilet
paper something that gives her
joy shes got a chocolate
face and what they call a sharkskin
coat Rough like real sharkskin
most people dont know what sharkskin
is Sharkskin is rough like a golf
ball has dimples so it has less
resistance through its atmosphere
and goes faster less resistance
less energy rather then a flat smooth
surface which just creates drag

Ive never felt a coat like this before
it is not soft like fur It is not wiry
either Seek out a Shar Pei and ask the owner if you can pet the animal
and see Its something different
and rare

9:19 p.m. - 2012-07-24


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