orgami's Diaryland Diary


hills of woods..

dashund and sharpei
head down the curve highway
busy with trucks cars heading
somewhere...I dont go by car
anywhere much anymore
dont need to
I can live in this small
radius..and anyway our new
playground is the old grounds
a hugh assed hill of trails..
that Well others use too..

so Ive got them on leashs
and collars for a reason
They are wild.. untrained
and not pack socialized with
others except our pack of three
basically.. We do fine as
long as I hold their collars
warn people much that one is old
Nipper... Like people most
are gung ho disneyland happiness
but not everyone is like this
stick your face in everyones and
someone will head butt you sooner
or later..Just the way it is!!

so we bump into cyclists going
past..trail captian ahead tells
me of his team and they flow past
including tail end sparky whom
doesnt even stop while my pack
goes wild....Yah they dont get
out much to see other dogs and
there are reasons..

Im soaked and we ve had a good
run through the sticks cutting
across the ridges and hooking
up to the trails..and we are
heading up an old acess road
when I see people and see their
dogs and I try to turn back but
their dog comes lumbering down..
Their dogs are not on leashs..
Not any of them...The first male
is nice..acesses us and can tell
from my holding the dogs by the
leashs tight together that Im
saying they have their issues

the woman comes next makes eye
contact with me and tries to take
charge....she stops two feet away
and sticks her head down to look
at the dogs which is fine...
if she bent down the dog would
be threatened..I keep her talking
and tell her as I told the male
that my dog is not socialized

the lady likes my pretty ones
and the other dogs pack up behind
her.. the male turns to walk
up the trail and come between
me the female talking on my
left the other male dog sticks
his face to the female I have
and she nips him

Oh says the female and the male
says to his male Good so and so
for not following through with
that the female is kind of
stunned still and stands with her
arms while her little dog goes
past..the three of theirs know
the drill and look at my dogs
and pass quiet then the dashund
wants to start something cause
this is his girlfreind
and I have to discipline him

if we were sled dogs the males
would fight for the bitchs
and a broken sled dog is dead
weight in the old days

Ive been around dogs before
hunting dogs and expensive nervous
large dogs and attitude spoiled
little dogs..and Ive been around

they move on still talking about
how beautiful the female shar pei
is though..but my bitch has attitude
just a trait these dogs have
and you have to have them as a pup
and just throw them in with other
dogs who keep them in line from
get go...

but My dogs were on leashs
and I had them by the collar
I gave them room on the trail to
pass by and warned them all

and they just came up

keep thinking how people are
catylists just making stuff happen
how the dogs teach me Im not in
control..they are wild they
are powerful creatures that I
must for my safety and theirs
and others along the way and they
with theirs conduct a control
a measure..

assuming is not an error
a warning is just that
be cautious

I used to hustle with hustlers
who were good

Im not that smart so I dont get
caught up mentally..I can focus
on simple shit and just stick
to it stubbornly

I enjoyed the day the rain
falling on us the passing
on the trail thinking of
how it would be with people

other companys moving in
or out from positions
and the ego the instincts
the drives the personalities
of your team. your crew
your pack

the catilysts
life is something
Ive cut fire wood
and dug holes and hauled
slept in a blanket all night
on a rock cut and on a beach
and in the rain

sometimes you dont have
money to buy a hotel room
or argue about what channel
to share

sometimes its just about
getting out there and
meeting people
and enjoying the rain
and dogs and people

it was a cool trip out
there today!!

7:32 p.m. - 2012-10-14


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