orgami's Diaryland Diary



put my shirt on inside out
an omen

wearing it like this for awhile
for respect
Im not in control
there is a higher order
in Human realm and spirit realm

fixed the fan again
worn out.. the oil just a stop gap needs service from
the computer wizard over at his
shop on a street I know..
I need a new fan..he can solder one
in from his many parts and wrecks..

Got my Dalton McGuinty cheque in mail
like everyone else in Ontario
all for credit back or something but
in reality its declared as income that
one must declare and gets shaved off
the main body of cheques designed to
help families survive in the new economy

but its all we got here...we are not on the streets watching missles fall through rooftops....not a regime with tanks downtown opening up with the fifty calibre on the tanks mowing pre christmas shoppers down..leaving the bodies so one cant even enjoy a coffee..We had a stable country..or have..Boo hoo we have to pay a bit more for food or gas..We dont know what hard done by means sometimes...and yet the impossible systems allow us to be squeezed just the same...I dont need the dimes and nickels there...Its funny without being funny all of it...

and I sit in my comfortable lair
coffee made upstairs
thinking of how lucky we are

6:21 a.m. - 2012-11-27


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