orgami's Diaryland Diary


Wave months

creeks are full of voice
there is much traffic on foot
on all the trails with no rains
no snow no bitter cold and winds
to keep most in

darkness where the streetlights
have failed...the forest and brush
of the urban lots..pockets of wild

I am exhausted
the dog walks I love through
the six klicks to work and then home
and downtown are taking much out
of me

Our groceries we did today
The bus ride The downtown journey
and the mall walk through with the
girls..then the shopping and then
home...the Teen and her young man
making dinner for us..I did the dishs

walked the dogs again
and cleaned the computer table with
Pine Sol and water and a cloth
Will put WD-40 on the fans inside
the unit tommorrow helping to get
them through to the next year

I want to read a book
want to escape in a book and
put away the computer for a time
allow some break time from the
other sites Im writing

it gets intense by me sometime
I focus on it too much

will be here writing from Diaryland
though..its quieter here
and stable throughout all the time

10:51 p.m. - 2012-12-03


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