orgami's Diaryland Diary


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spring..snow slush
the heaviness of it on
the eaves and shoulders
the wind in the empty
limbs calling forever
now it seems

watching Vimeo Leaning Towards Solace

and now clips from Apocalypse Now

so fitting.....watched this in high school
and for years after
it was our upbringing...pounded into us
that we were going to Vietnam..that the world was was going to start there...My
parents were older and saw the World War Two..their friends family went...
Vietnam was not just on television but
a neighbour returned...smiling..happy..
just who he his combat fatigues
not afraid of anything..

been there and came back
just like that

I used to listen to Jimmy Hendrix and Janis Joplin and White Rabbit
smoke some good scenes
and enjoy the night
flowing through the cedars

the bridge scene in the movie is
aweseome...I worked for years with
a block crew building basements
it was like a landing zones half
these places...on rivers and hills
and I had a jacket I cut the arms
off that looked like a flak vest
an imitation...the real ones I tried
on at this surplus store in town
in the eighties....weighed a ton
probably the reason people hated
carrying that.....try carrying
thirty pounds everywhere.

I had army pants too and black work
boots and a big old north american
car a seventy seven cougar with a
hood emblem like a sight..
put on a rubber duckie ariel for the
radio like the dicks drove in Toronto
looked like a narcmobile

playing jimmy hendrix loud
arm out the window
right hand on the twelve oclock
and doing over fifty five

mile by mile

all the years later
listening to this
a wretched back

thinking of heart of
and listening to this

nothing makes sense
nothing ever did

"just get us upriver"

12:28 a.m. - 2013-02-27


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