orgami's Diaryland Diary




loving alcohol and not loving alcohol
hearing how Jim morrison became
and other poets

raving madmen following into their darkness and succumbing to wants that never touched their needs but left them starved from life

names not needed beyond Jim

the first poet I listened too
before diving into the librarys
for escape..until the bottle stole
that too

wondering why people who wrote
great poetry died and reading their autobiographies

and now..bunking with people who chose
not to extinguish life but life it with
their perilous moments
their turbulent routes

swimming against the currents rather
then drowning in the rapids
saving themselves and others along the way to survive

what I need to know

watching my birth father drink himself to death like any other dime store drunk from liver failure

Yes he was haunted and full of pride like I...his indignations on the rez
and his life that would fill volumes fell short....haunted haunted

and I living half the life my heros and heroinnes lived falling fast too

What do I have to offer..what have I helped and how to stave the flow to feel again.....sitting in the stalemate..

living one day and dying the next from alcohol abuse is NOT being alive

there is a point where the soul does feel as if its removed and away

the lost moments
at the junction

going to listen to Gimme Shelter
I have to angry enough to care about
life...not numbed
care about empathy

junction alright
hope the last train
hasnt left


10:59 a.m. - 2013-05-01


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