orgami's Diaryland Diary



the rain fall..
wash the dog...
shes happy in her bath..
a shar pei..
gotta dry her good..
she loves our walks..

bunni sleeping good..
got thats good..
two years of hospital
and almost dying...
bastards wanted to put me
in forensics a few years ago.

tried just getting me to walk
into a trap...
but i didnt..
im not that stupid..

personality disorder
sounds great..
i love the i love you i hate you
part....that i can dig..
does it affect if i get a job
it has..
everything has..

if i lived in a bubble it would
be perfect..
let them live there for a spell first
tell me they loved it...
but they cant
they will hate it too

in the meantime
i will just go cruising about
smiling flirting..
and dying inside
for destroying my life before
with booze;;;;not accepting the
hot young intelligent women i
could have at least chatted
with...i doubt i had a chance
too ugly...too issued...
it just would have felt good

maybe not..
i feel like im fading
like winter will be too much
this year

i dont care...
im going to start taking stuff
in small packs and burning it
up on the hill when it snows..
my mom did that..
then she died three years later
early sixties...

dont need stuff no one
cares about one is going
to try go figure out this crap
then.....they their
way.....i just live way the hell
in a place that isnt reality i
guess.......oh well.....
at least i know now


i did find
bunni this cool little radio..wll
white with clock..and it has ambeint
sounds on it..waves...thunderstorm..
rain and some cool other stuff...
i hope it helps her sleep..

i just put on lana del rey or interpol
albums and fall asleep that way

pretty groovy....

i got my light racing bike from marie
just needs a chain..something to work an extra car in the garage
when you have your daily driver outside..
its exciting actually....

and paints...will be painting again
got my typewriter too..
think i will look up some locked down
babes in america to write too..
not like im going anywhere or they...
pass the time.....we are all serving our
time somehow...

looking forward to this..unless i just take up with someone for the winter...
never know...

12:56 p.m. - 2014-08-20


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