orgami's Diaryland Diary


gatling run..................

strange weather...everyone notes this..and keeps going in it.....the thick forest is full of its a mystery trickling in the slow little creeks beneath the trees....the dog cries whinges and stands up on her back legs...her eyesite probably better then mine and i see the small green leaves on the small brush rush...but whatever it its not coming to us.....we dont care..i certianly dont..that hill is a newspaper on it from 2008...when the city was wilder...its wild now..but like the creeks gone deep into the laywers of stones and sand where only the true water runs...anything synthetic will be running the real gamble....but i love it own landscapes....dropping poems and smoking cigarettes watching those go by and we nod or avoid each other heads down....maybe its the dog without her mask....shes got her evil vibe...her pit bull ears and wide face..the meat mouth....or army pockets and leather cases for all i need up there......lana del rey in my ears...pretti when i i did not like the crying women....a pretti one that liked me...tiny and petite and i loved it when she said my name..:Steven: standing in the rain with the others.....i wanted to hold her...but shes far far from my side of the tracks.....and i already had a great place to live..she was starting out again...the rough apartment downtown...kicked in front lobby door..the mailhinges torn off on some of the be it....i stayed here where lori rarely cries....just puts it all away inside and finds others to discuss things with.....gatling run...we feel the trees..the thick heat..the cicadas and black birds up there picking on something dead....let them feast...i hear the boys truck....the girl is back upstairs.....mall run in their nice they like eachs world...different and same...bold rebel trying to fit in and yet....not bow to the beautiful or cliches....been at this a long time too kids....we played trivial pursuit....the girl won....we had fun....bunni slept...the old ghosts..the infection again...more anti biotics.....awake since slow so i didnt call it in....kurt said he had it off....let them run it alone...a first probably in awhile..the boss away....haunted...and madness.....halloween coming and i love that season...for its true origin and rituals not this stupidity of dress up....but its fun too i guess....

maybe i will just stay in and watch bringing out the dead my fave movie and the road apocalypse now and paris texas......i love the broken the bruised and lost......but do they love me.........

i need a zippo knock off the girl bought me....bunnis cheap smokes..i watered our little garden...worked on the mountian bike..still knee is not...but i pushed it up the hill with my pack and dog....delving the land with my much going on ..its like language and movement.each nuance has a meaning...and its going by so fast....even slowed down its still a race track of sound..beautiful and horrible...and above that like subsonic are the trees bending in its rush...i heard it arrive on the water at the top in a heavy rain..that i was on the bottom of the bay....the rain falling on the surface undulating in the waves..the breezes that will eventually find their way down to us crawling along..stopping to look into the green..distance in was beautiful.....then we came home to the girl and the girls....spent time with each so they wont get bored of i wont get bored with them...

kids back....or one...i think i hear his truck....his place....his space....
hard to i like them both..
accept on my hill...the view..the walk..the effort..the so few things only to focus on.....the little water that collects and holds its stillness like an escher mirror...remember that one..the goldfish in the tiretrack in the one remembers that one...he was a mathmatecian....lana long finished...want more music..just the tapping of my fingers fast..the fans in the comp tower always brought back now since 2007...ancient but still going....

music......the rush of ideas slow like a comet now.....

i hope i can sleep and dream vivid..i need answers...i feel the stirring of the spirits history and out there.....

11:49 p.m. - 2014-08-26


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