orgami's Diaryland Diary



everything was trashed on that thing..there is another but its more intact..leave that..maybe some kid can use it whole...i think ahead of the others...others would not..i believe in the village....there are those that do we can have that choice....i choose the village....anyway...took off the cables which worked for one item i needed only...set it on a gear that skips becauase whomever had that old bike wore it was a runner bike..which means it runs..moves....momentum..mud rain shine etc..which is why you may find a nice car in the used car lot..not many dents..looks normal enough..but it may have been used well and hard and be just worn a tad.....learned about bow knots though...just for the three dimensional challenge and for the fact that i never went to scouts or cubs or anything like that...its fun..just simple photo from the net on my cell phone to understand things better...went to the ballmart on the new bike..which skips my fan will like this...its worn out...aha..ahh..shit..just my luck..but it didnt cost me much..i had fun knocking the pin out and trying to hammer it back in place..forgetting about the knots..cable is not the same as rope at all....different purpose..sometimes you may think you need cable and really you need rope...even if your heart is set on using one..the other is the right one..who it skips in low gears so i have to baby baby way too rough on everything....but with this old bike i like i baby it...get er up to speed...shes like some tender broken spots and at the edge of its age and limits..rolling on this bigger framed cooler light bike is so nice so so when you uprgrade even thinking...its too good for know..after a bit i fit right on that thing..i belong there...and thats okay today......hit the mall..locked her up was super busy...some sunlight ..some clouds..misty windy and was till xmas...just picking ups speed slowly....script was all messed amounts or anything on it...its like a negotiation test of brains and wills and all of that..tomorrow go back and see whats for the meantime...rode about on the some dude at the phone outlet store to show me how to punch in my plans which i have yet to really learn how to do proper......there is this brunette that is so sweet and i ask her to help me with this...method to madness right....and...pocket dialed someone....or someone just called me to see my mood....that happens..another test.see how you are doing...psycho mode....quiet mode..agressive mode...out there mode..none of the above..i was happy cordial...polite and funny...who knew...was away from getting along with a lot of males too...but now being the chummy enough was nervous but helpful...six one with glasses..creepy assed eyes...thats me..long dark black leather coat..nice coat..someone gave me this...dark chinese made jeans..but nice design..stripes mute..good shape and fit well....the better the fit the better the respect..if you got it to begin with that is...really nice deck shoes..a burgundy leather and hard rubber combo hiker kind of soul...for like..boat decks and shit..and that frech cuff check shirt..tiny checks..tasteful..fine..cuffs turned up over the ends of the jacket...hipster mod rocker serious dude..and this hair..lanky hair..wild in places..shoulder length and tortiose frame ersatz doller store eye glasses on my pointed big long nose....acne scars....faded nice and the salt and pepper moustache and goatee with the havent shaved in a couple of days or week now look....white bone cross..shirt open not so much now....tasteful now..and this serious looking canvasse day pack with pockets all done up in its white rope latches and brass end belting..a kind of mellow yellow grassy look..shoulder straps....keys jangling now not jingling..lost some of that stuff..pulled the look in a bit...look serious now.but with the smile read too.....the reward eh....not everyones a stone face...ha....all that..had fun...something i have never really just let myself be in a long long long while.....and jotting down info and re reading old intel little booklets i keep...coded poemtalk chatterskatter shit...happy about the dude helping me with the phone but i was straight up..said it intimidated me and i needed help....just thinking...if we cant communicate and have that bridge of repoire.anyone can just walk in between us.....anyone can get cornered and fearful and give up..give out..become turned to something for a cause because they lose hope....i just gave the gamble...never knowing.....i guess i was scared..fearful.....i never know.....not really..........talking with some folks and they said i babble on like here but its a monotone voice like my writing....lulling and helps calm a lot of people and put them to hypnosis.....whatever works to help man..we live in a hypded up jacked out world...but that was my day..oh i saw a lot of people and held my eyes to the old alphas who are into it for more then me.....just to show them i can..that indeed i am serious this time..and even offering a pretty female my age..and damn if the world aint hard on women....age a bit and its like the fruits and veggies....people picking away..still good for you....she said..oh no you go ahead and i nodded my head and went first.....instead i would have insisted she go what was that....its like a horse going back and forward when your trying to put on the saddle and put in the bit and bridal...sure it may run fine and fast and further...but in a quick pinch you can be left far behind by that kind of like..u huh..and move into it..accept the moves....and move its feels more right then any other ideas ive been trying with limited sucess for a long happy with is not all great days..i can accept this too....but it was a good day today...
and the bike runs good..the new cable lock is easier then that tube thing which i could never figure out.....and still working on the house here....

7:43 p.m. - 2014-09-30


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