orgami's Diaryland Diary



forever the eighties at the work station..
or ..CBC....or Christian Rock..its all good..when I let loose its the FOXFM..

I lived in the eighties..was a
with my mom or dads...last year my brother lived there on and off too...a friends place...

Music was our music of the eighties and earlier
late seventies....Pop and wave..

High school..The Wall..Queen..another one bites
the dust was brand new in grade nine..ten..
the social fear but excitement too...All the
sights and sounds..and schoolwork...the great
sky we faced across the curve of the busy
roadway elevated up from our parking lot
the little resturant cabin thing across
the road where I never once ever went
and the boreal forest..spruce..birch..small
trees...the and the sky...Always dream
working..waiting for the bell..the crush of
students...the day this time of year darkening.

like work...the small clinical but warm little area like a shop class
the paycheque like a grade each two weeks
and me tech...i can
float..not take the high responsibility
but as important as the rest

my view..through the slats of privacy right
at the parking lot..the boreal forest
and hills on a commercial strip climbing to
the escarpment with its higher end city
people....the sky to watch and dream while
the same music plays...the smoke breaks
like school out back on a lawn
shorter..the spruce..the poplar..the jack
pine..the birch...

coffee like school..breaks..
and the radio
playing the same music that they
sometimes piped through the morning
speaker system

and oddly all still fits
and odder still...i wear the same style
clothes..the aviator jacket..the dress
pants and shoes..the dress shirts and
Parker Pen...pocket chains..aviator cali
shade...longer hair...

and oddly enough still fits...

9:01 a.m. - 2014-11-07


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