orgami's Diaryland Diary


Snark face and warpaint!!

Feels like rain....Billie Holiday sings
Fallout 4 radio soundtrack

my worn out military cop boots
taking the dog for the trail beat
blackflies swarming us
the heat getting too us
forgot my smokes but remembered
my fire in the battered up chrome
sixties style bug eyed glasses
Bunni has...Ive got hippy long
hair...I move slow now.. I belong all along
watching the growing clouds
wishing I was way up on the long
tunnel of tree trail...but its
suicide to go up there...bugs
would eat us alive now...

thinking of the mall today
all the beauties
it was good that run there
buying sunflower seeds for treats for
the Pupster...

a coffee and muffin for me
a pretty brunette came
and sat near me

but I got a baby..
and new love
means saying goodbye
too the old love
and I love old things
like old love

I hope it rains
I love the sound of
here at Bunnis we
have the little tree
right out front
(princesses old room)
and my old room is
the little back yard
forest that stretches
just above the second
floor and roofline

somethings coming
my old bones and wounds


I did my laundry and
sewed up the packsack
re painted Sweet marie
on the fork of the bike
my rides name!
red this year
was white...but the white
paint is dried up

crudely painted..
like it...I could paint
it sweet with a fine brush
I have the talent..
but I like that raw

slumped in the chair
six footer!
like the library..
low slung leatherette
sitting chairs
facing each other
magazine racks behind
us...big tall windows
looking too the tree
and street
I just splay out with
my magazine propped
on my leg..

feels alright..
I mean..Im relaxed
not bothering anyone

loving these old fifties
nuke based tunes
seems mythical but back
then it was cold hard

now its just the unknown

my dreams lately have
been very good and vivid
all set at my old childhood
settings...but in them
Im fifty two and just
as quick minded as I am
..except the places are
just the way I remember
them when I was thirteen
fourteen..fifteen etc...

a lifetime away really.

it goes by rather quickly

but Ive enjoyed my life...
and still am enjoying it

and thats a good thing

hurray for us all..
and how I love writers...
so dear too me
ol refuge


7:03 p.m. - 2016-06-15


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