orgami's Diaryland Diary


wednessdae 22

steady as she goes in the city breeze
quiet out and about...mid week
it will liven up come Friday
and weekend..

spent the time working on
the Bunni place...chillaxed
at my place..and heading
there now

which reminds me next run to
B's place I have to bring the
small jug of laundry soap

have to drop off the comp to
my pal..he can solder the
new plug on the end of the
working power converter
save me a hundred dollars
they had a hoard of these
things at the Rebuilder
Resourcefulness store...
but all with the wrong
end plug...and or voltage
corporate variableness
is a nightmare

anyway then I will have
a disc player for taking
movies from this place
music etc...
I think it has a disc
player...if not I can
borrow B's....

been three or four years
since I took out movies
here...I think they probably
have new ones here by now


been up since....eight thirty
yesterday...before that slept
soundly and much
that my neck was locked up
took all day of moving about
to get it working
age....that old thing..

still writing the muses
some write back
most are busy
and Im mostly a propaganda
of stories anyway

been watching much telly
good ol cable is good
where I am
I a kid with
my brother sisters
we had like two
channels only..
and U had to turn
the television knob
and wait for the
power antennae to
turn to the right
direction for the
one was south
and the other was

now they have cable
but back then..
NO cable..
no satellite
no internet
and rotary party

and vhs came in
only by mid eighties
for those whom
could afford it!

everyone watched the
same shows..the same
hockey games
social democrasy


2:13 p.m. - 2016-06-22


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