orgami's Diaryland Diary


WORK at home

I did sew up the patch atop my jungle looking...
needs a drawing or something in latin
written..a happy face..peace sign
in white china marker...something in
persian maybe...

mess with the normies heads!!!

I did sew my torn skinny jeans
Oh Im original screwy artist type
hollywood B movie long hair face

Had a look at all the train wreck
people....relationship of the most
immature people going...
we are in a land of the Sketchies
it seems now..

not too brag but at mid too early
twenties I had a job..drove a one
ton van..worked on my own...opened
the store in mornings...sold a few
things..worked all day....till late nine at night or better
by the time I got in..did inventory
parked the van...locked up..put in
the cash from my float in the van..
paperwork for the bookie come morning...

drive the half hour home...or gas..
or home by
eleven....girlfriend asleep..pissed
off...cut grass at house where I
was saying all weekend...
staying....take girlfriend out..
work day...wake up at five thirty..
sweep snow...blow out driveway of at least sixty feet or
more....double wide...

then another girl and I owned homes
with partner...raising a kid..collecting
rent..fixing water pumps...dealing with
townships and town....etc etc...

I dont know...but I met the most whiniest
motherfuckers of late....if the shit hits
the fan with this world...they wont know
what too do....But I will....Im always
ready......I work the crowd so I can fit
in....Wherss the shovels...wheres the guns..
wheres the cover..and whers the fun!!

kind of like a ragged tag leader..captain
Bunni is bright...shes like the crazy colonel
or liuetenant..

but a good contact said...If U want too not
have such a hard time for yourself too survive..Dont judge....well he didnt say that..;He said He didnt judge..but I know what he meant......and Im trying....and its working...For me...

10:29 p.m. - 2016-09-16


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