orgami's Diaryland Diary


dec 21 2014

slow day..coffees
the tube...Kid gone out with boyfriend..(new)
hood good...gonna take dog for walk on trail.
have to put on basket on the new
lead all fixed up enough...fifty pound fast
guard shar pei dog...They are different..
Not like any other dogs...different shape
speed...agressiion mode everything...

shape mostly...built...cute looking..why people
like them...but they are guard dogs...and fourth
from the line of wolf...Dont look like wolves
with the ear flaps and funny skin or eyes.
but the muzzle.....same wide mouth...nose

looking up aircraft stuff on air
craft....war time world war two...but...hey
bullets going through those war time deals
were something else....nasty business...
even today with the modern war
time business now overseas..the missles..radar
only as good as the pilot....metal is light...
motors delicate..jets only have one or two

dogs to planes..relevance? purpose...guard
dog was the missle of its day...deterant..
war dogs did not go out and make stradegy

damage to any of these things designed for
one or more purpose was that...
tough and delicate...both...and linework

a broken cable...a bullet gone through your
shoulder in combat...evasive tactical moves
to get away in pursuit....twenty somethings
My dog one even saw me..woofed and shot across
the living room floor..not in a skittering
way either...all four feet sure..quiet..
didnt bark and stand back like some dogs
do at you...even from a dream...
like one second she was at me....recognized
me....I was impressed to say the least...

the human mind works very only
get so many seconds to make decisions
something or to line up something in
a deflection thought..a shot politically
in love...battle...defense..offense...
time drags forever...

and if you are somethings
figured out ..are practised on this..
it works enough....

I watch the aircraft breaking up in the
old gun cameras....the head on attacks
from german fighter to american bombers
the cockpits on fire..the guns in the
first pass breaking the wing tanks above
the pilots heads...filling the bomb bay
and crew area with high octane..then
the ignition and it becomes a flaming
wreck still flying in straight line...
horrific....props spinning the camera
bouncing as the guns in the german
fighter record....high speed to avoid
the counter guns..

Watch the u tube of live fighting from
spring on over there...and whats going
on in our own country here..the madness
of life spinning out of control too..

things going good here with us

gifts cheap wrapped decorations up
meals made....we have enough
everyone out there happy xmasing
and shaking hands
our city going well enough..
not like some years...

Neo down gone again....
server flying in straight line while all
the data may be flaming wreck....


shit happens

life too goes on
and on...
I can remember the
last five years

seems like forever
but its not that long

2:46 p.m. - 2014-12-21


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