orgami's Diaryland Diary


river moving

windburned sunburned
feel feverish
did a lot here in the house
cleaning up tidying up
dusting washing repairing
hammnering moving about dirt
hurt my back
chilled now
want to go to cozy bed and
listen to THE ORGAN over and over
still in love with her voice
and that organ music in the background
the Debbie Harry sound and echo

gah gah land

anyway its late and its time I got
going to bed
dreamt lots last night
war and haunted houses people
jungle indian reserves and battles
crazy eh woke up tired as hell
and laughing at the world
That was good at least

Oh and I phoned my Lori and told her
how Much I appreciate her and that
I do listen to her All her words I
go over like beach stones picked
up and savoured like jewels and shells
to look at in evening by the fire
she is my treasure but she probably
thinks this is mushy this talk
I usually rub her feet for hours
and hours on our ends of the couch
watching television together
ohhhh I miss her sooooooo much

oh well makes me want her all the more
when I get home

Her name tatooed on my hand
Better then a wedding band
more primal and animalistic
I loved the pain when I got it
I want more tatooes now
more pain aghhhhh
sadist maschokisstick
Lori digs her nails into my legs
and rakes them blood and scars
very tribal
she says
I just love it
hah I am laughing to myself here
she is fun
I think
I hope she thinks I am fun sometimes

anyway must go to bed
must plug in and recharge my battered
old CD Sony and its so old and really
thin with nickle charge batteries
i paid one hundred and twenty dollars
for it three years ago and its still
going and that was half price then
I value expensive things or valuable
freinds I know how hard it is to
replace these
People especially most move away
and I am sad I miss them still
and sometimes see them on the road

ahh well we all change and grow
and travel part of life

well must go now
nite all....O.

9:51 p.m. - 2005-05-03


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