orgami's Diaryland Diary


sad tearjerkers

anyone out there
the stars are out tonight
and its cool
and the norther lights are up there too
so soft and mute and sad looking
I wish them good thoughts
wish I could hug the sky
and tell it is will be good
all is well enough

so out of it so much
off my meds somewhat
dreaming strange dreams
no Lori just my freinds

I know its just change
should not be that worried about it
but I get anxious away from Lori
I really really do miss her
never really had it this bad for
anyone period and I have had my
number of people in my life
Love lovers lost

is so nice this time of year
getting away from winter and those
short nights
cold nights
thank god it is warming up

I feel really tired
I listened to Kitty Wells on an old
wind up seventy eight record player
at my freinds wifes parents home
and It just went right into me
Her voice that is and all that heartbreak Country Western
and then Ray Price fifties icons
and so sad those songs
they make me cry those songs
such a suck I am though
Kitty is or was in her eighties
but I love her still
and my favourite
It Aint God Who Make Honkty Tonk Angels
so sad

boo hooo hoooooooooooooooooo..sniff sniff

12:40 a.m. - 2005-05-07


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