orgami's Diaryland Diary


not sure

19 minutes
to write something

landlord tenant
strange relationship
ask for something in writing
and the landlord storms up the
stairs and pounds on the door
trying to be the heavy
all I want is what i earned
Funny how standing up and asking
makes people freak
TFB (too fucking bad)

just a wanna be shit head
raise the lid and stir
NO take the pot and put it on your
head Mr Landlord because if the pot
heh heh heh

Its only just begun
WE are happy we are standing up
we are making a stand LiKe Mental4You
page says Lori's Last stand
enough people treating her like shit
landlords wife and landlord included
all for what For bullshit
so many people are full of bullshit
no one with balls ever notice this
I like the people who take charge
not the idlers the complainers the wanna
be's the posers etc dont have time for these useless gutless wonders

I know people with suicide scars not nicks and scrapes for attention but deep wounds healed the truly went to the edge and jumped people and made it back
(know lots that have gone forever too)
that is not good and I dont say suicide
is the answer either I think medication
and a good counsellor therapist Psychiatrist like I am doing is the ultimate way to go and getting control of addictions like I am doing is the brave way to do this monkey depressing thing for me
Last year I was dying of booze pills
and overdoses for attention but now
look at me I am well and going to meetings and keeping my appointments with the shrink and others
anger management too
all of this help feels soo good just to talk to someone and have their perspective on it all very important
but I was ready for it
Lori said get help or get out and I
wanted a relationship and now even have one with myself
I am not a bad person
and am getting more healthier people
in my life because of getting better
funny how that works

(I still have my down down days though)
anyway blah blah
time to go
see you all later

10:13 a.m. - 2005-06-10


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