orgami's Diaryland Diary


card trix

Lori not feeling well
overcast and cool day
even I could not get out of bed
and slept in till eleven

think that bothered Lori
we didnt get to play boggle and have
fun all the moving and looking for
a new place maybe seeing the kids coming
all hanging over our head Like anyone
else we have our problems

I take medication to sleep at night
and i find it hard to wake up
to get motivated and face the day

and then to top this all off my old
library card i was trying to scan it
at the booking station for the computer and my card spun out of my hand and hit
the wall beside the scanner hit it flat
and then slid down into the crack between the desk and the wall GONE FOREVER just like that I could not have done this in a hundred tries but today
it was just one more thing anyway they
made a new card for me which is really
nice so I am happy I have a two thirty
meeting with a counsellor and I have
the bycycle today because Lori did not
come with me.........

1:08 p.m. - 2005-06-16


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