orgami's Diaryland Diary


ree ply

now the screen comes up
anyone with library fees over
twenty five dollars will not
be allowed to use the computers
(but my card still works)
so I will keep coming here
until it doesnt.. then when
it doesn't anymore I will
go upstairs to the main
floor by the big windows
and read aircraft books Gamer
magazines and National Geographic
(poor man's Penthouse)
and Walrus..(walrus is a neat
thinking book full of different
ideas about life and reality etc)
Oh yah a magazine on stars and
galaxies and photos from Mars
Sky and Telescope
I love that magazine
all the different colours and views
of the galaxies when I get down
on what is happening to our planet
I just pick up that magazine and
think we are so miniscule little
beings compared to the infinite
that I feel happy to come back
to earth after viewing those

What else
My notes..
Thank you You wonderful people
Pansy I loved your "sparkling sound"
of the rain under tires
and for the train lover
I like your metaphor of trains
being a metaphor
I used to ride this train from my
hometown of Huntsville days gone by
and to Toronto the big city
and I would at fourteen wander about
the city for a day and then hop a train
home in the evning and that was my
adventure and I Loved the rocking
and swaying and jerking of the cars
and the clack clack clack of the
wheels on the breaks in the rails
where they are joined together

They are fixing up or have fixed up
both the old historic stations we
have here Canadian Pacific and
Canadian National
Parry SOund has an old witchs hat
station I think it is CPR
Canadian Pacific Railroad
South River ONtario has this old
station still not redone but
standing amazing because they tore
so many of them down
We are now only finding out how
much historical interest these
places held for people

anyway just got onto Diaryland
must go and do some stuff
thanks again guys for your input

10:56 a.m. - 2005-06-27


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