orgami's Diaryland Diary


look back

we had a cottage for years
my father bought it and worked
like always at the place
removing trees and digging out
stumps to make the place look
better He would work all week
at his railroad job in the heat
and then come and work most of
Saturday and Sunday
He was a true hardrock
and my mother would come from
her job as a nurses assistant
at the Hospital in the big town
fifteen miles from us and she
would do the washing and cut
the lawns and cook dinners for
us and we would have fires
at dusk and my brother and I
would swim in the lake or bask
on the dock or canoe or fish
in our boats
so we really did have a lot
as children and teens

I had a good talk with my mom
before she passed and my father
too so there was no animosity
bewteen us all
Chloe knew my mother well
and i have photos of my daughter
on my fathers lap when she was
a little baby

i want my past all locked up
and tidied up and put in storage
everything all neat and not
jagged and ragged as it was
at times
but that would not be truth
it would be a falsehood
smoothed down versions

anyway I have Lori now in my


11:58 a.m. - 2005-08-09


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