orgami's Diaryland Diary


more about buses and ghosts

another entry
another Siouxsie song

Swimming Horses

ten after five

more people in here
my music is loud and hollow
taken live from one of their
L O R I is emblazed in dark
tatoo ink on my left hand
My bus pass is in my left
breast pocket on my checked
My black nylon jacket is comfy
but getting hot in here
written across the chest and
arm It has a pocket on the
left arm for pens and stuff
it was given to me by a freind
about three years ago

the ice is thinning
and reflecting sunlight
the islands are just a grey
slash out there
faint but present

soon candle ice will be
pushed up over the wharf
walls gather itself
crumpled and broken
and will tinkle as it
breaks down in the afternoon

seagulls will float above
and land on the boathouses
roof tin screeching their
thin reedy language

thirty one minutes to go

not restless just noting
the time

our computer at home has
some bugs in it its slow
because its dial up but it
does eventually get to the sites
we chose to see
and the fan is loud on the
ancient thing
WINDOWS 98 it has
and a sound card in it
I havent tried to listen to
music but Lori had downloaded
SYSTEM of A DOWN spiders and
i play that every now and again
on the small stereo speakers
that my freind gave me in the
computer package
Nice freind eh?

I like him

what about those ghosts you may
wonder??? Just my parents when
they verbally fought
and my mother who could be mean
with her words
still cuts into me after all the
years I guess the scars will be
there nothing to do about it
just try to get a new life
as I have been doing lately

I am glad I am here writing
because I see what the disctractions
do Its like white noise
I can just focus on what I am writing
and thinking and nothing more
(except as you notice I do notice
what is going on all around me)

hah hah hah

the chairs are plastic buckets
basically here My kitchen chair
at home is just boards covered
with thin padding
and the bus seats are not that
comfortable although the really
old old buses they keep going up
here have cushioned seats
only those buses my knees are
banging the seats because people
were smaller a few years ago
I guess
(I dont know)

anyway enough out of me for today

5:20 p.m. - 2006-04-06


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