orgami's Diaryland Diary


spring and sprung

Here I am
today was just hanging around the house day cleaned up a bit and watched some television played with the cats
Oh yah I walked over to the main drag
up the hill and brought us some free
Tim Hortons coffees we had won on the
roll up the rim to win cups

was going to go bus riding but never
got around to it actually napped at
some spots in the day

Tommorrow its back to work painting the
crafts and then after lunch we catch the bus for the North Highway to the
psych hospital to get my hair dyed dark
and a trim

When I did go bus riding it was dusty
and bumpy and the smell of brakes and
deisel fumes are strong Plus the
colognes and perfumes people wear on
their bodies and yuck someones bad breath sitting behind me during one ride

I love riding around on the buses though
seeing the city at different moods
Oh and I went to the water which is all
opened up even out to the islands about
seven kilometres away just heard on the news that someones dog fell into the water and some guy jumped into to
save it only to find out he couldnt swim so two more had to jump in and save him hah hah I thought that was

anyway thats about it from now for me
until next time

8:40 p.m. - 2006-04-23


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