orgami's Diaryland Diary


sticky buns

Saturday morning

My burgers cooking in the skillet
a muffin pan for a lid on the pan
cooking underneath

dijon mustard awaiting the bun
(so damn dreamy)
Lori behind me watching Video on
Demand from the cable company
Its about Amish kids turning sixteen
and basically going out in the world
to give them a choice to chose the
wicked world or the amish way of life

Cats are into everything as usual
changed their litter washed the pan
scrubbed the tub

drinking my first pot of coffee
An upstairs tenant moved out of the
building (while she her son and her
newlandlord is moving her now as I write
..) anyway we got her air conditioner
and she is giving us for free a dishwasher

air conditioner we are going to pay off
slowly But air.. Just in case of that
a global warming this summer again
Hottest summer on record last year

my freind and his wife are overseas
travelling about Europe for a few weeks
his wife has only been out west in
Canada to see the mountians and had only
been on a jumbo jet once
he sends me e-mails from over there every now and again

Lori and i went to work and got our pay and our new bus passes for this month
of May We got paid like twenty dollars
for half days for a week straight
what we did was buy some craft stuff
for our apartment We have a rabbit on
the wall and bought some stuff for Loris
kids small wall hanging craftworks

its getting warmer out here these days
the grass is growing the many many
flowers are coming up the trees are
starting to come out in leaf
the rivers and creeks settling down
now the lake all open its beautiful
when the sun sets over it to the west

mm these burgers are very good with
dijon my rocket fuel coffee in the
large mugs ...

we still download music which is what
I should be doing now as I am writing
also hold on a sec..

okay there we go downloading from
I have a new mission to go way down
the flat steet to the store
and buy sticky buns at Bunsmasters
off I go
tally ho

11:18 a.m. - 2006-04-29


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